There have been so many times in my life when I was like Moses and said,
"Really God?
I have no idea what I am doing
and there are so many others more qualified to do what you are asking."
It often never makes sense to me and there is a laundry list of reasons it is down right crazy and why I should run in the opposite direction. I would be missing a few of my children if I had relied only on my human reasoning and not trusted God though. What blessings I would have missed out on if I had went with the plan I had laid out for myself. My heart hurts to imagine the voids in our lives.
So I ask this of you: Look through this list with an open heart. Listen for God's prompting. If He moves you to do something, no matter how crazy it seems, dive in head first.
I would in a heart beat, but after much prayer, God says it isn't the right time for us given the other plans He has set forth in our lives at the moment. I hope one day again it will be though.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Many Blessings,
The Mama