Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Last Day and a Postponement

Today is our last day here, here.  We will be staying at my in laws from tonight until we leave for our trip(aiming for August 1st).  Tomorrow we'll be back to clean though and then that's it.

Tomorrow was suppose to be our closing but you know how these thing go.  The lender wanted some more paperwork last minute from the buyer.  So we are now shooting for a closing next week. Prayers appreciated in this area.

We were already in the middle of moving everything out and half our furniture was gone( sitting in a camp chair in the living room as I type) and the rest we had scheduled to be taken today.  So we didn't really feel like we could stay here till closing and  are proceeding as originally planned.

The basement is now totally cleared out along with the attic, so just 2 more levels to go!

 Too. Much. Stuff.

Many Blessing,
The Mama