You will notice the name of this new blog is My Cup Runneth Over. I debated on what to call this blog. I wanted something that really encompassed how I felt about my family and life. I invited my facebook friends to weigh in on what the new name should be. There were some interesting ones(and just plain bad ones- you know who you are), but most concentrating on our last name. I wanted more than just a cute play on words.
My Cup Runneth Over comes from Psalms 23:5-You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. That is the New International Version. The older text reads like this-Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou hast anointed my head with oil; My cup runneth over. Some of you may simply know it from the movie "Hope Floats".
That is how I am feeling these days-that my cup is overflowing with blessings in the form of my (ever growing) family.
Yes I still have bad days (and there are plenty of times I need desperately for my children to go outside and play to get out of my hair) but over all life is good and I have realized more than ever that children are a true blessing from God. And so is a husband who will do the dishes! Can I get an amen ladies??
Ok, so on to life at the moment... Little Miss was born a month ago @ 37 weeks 4 days ( C-section because of low amniotic levels). She was 7lbs 2 oz at birth and now is 8lbs 7oz.. She is a wonderful baby(praise God!).
Our Filipina Princess is doing AMAZING with Little Miss and all the changes. We thought sure there would be huge jealousy issues and regression, but nope. Shows you how much we know(nada) and how much God knows(opposite of nada). Filipina Princess has actually been MORE loving to all of us since Little Miss came along.
And it has opened my heart up more to Filipina Princess. I think I realize how much she missed( in the love category) as a baby and toddler. It makes me terribly sad. )=
Filipina Princess just celebrated her 9th Bday! It was her 2nd one with us. Here are some pics from it-
New chair(from Grandma), sunglasses, light up wand and necklaces(from Sisssy), flip flops(from Southern Cousin), baseball medal(from Snuggle Bug)
She had just been in the pool, hence the wet hair.
We started ball for Bubba and Snuggle Bug. Sissy also got roped into ball, but is actually enjoying it. With the Hubby coaching, it has been hectic as usual. But Bubba has been doing great as the starting pitcher and I can't believe what a difference a year has made for Snuggle Bug( wow he would really hate that name lol). He is much more into the game and is hitting the ball a lot more. He was super proud that he was made to stand in the back row for pictures this season( which means he is one of the tallest). (=
Ok that's it for now. I have a couple posts lined up for some other shenanigans we have been up to lately. I will work on tweaking the blog too and add some other tabs and info and some pics of the fam.
The Mama
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